Band of the Week - the 427s
- Tatiana - Slingshot Dragster
- Mince on Toast - Marshall and the Martins
- Shrimpy's Tango - The Bluebottles
- Wipeout - V2
- Moon Ride - El Indio
- Danger - The Reprobettes
- Shake it Down - Monsters from Mars
- Maroc 7 - The Shadows
- The Rise and Fall of Flingel Bunt - The Shadows
- The Warlord - The Shadows
- Walk the Waves - Mikelangelo and the Tin Star
- The Cruel Sea - V2
- The Purple Thing - Marshall and the Martins
- Closed Beach - Jimmy Strings
- El Extrano Fenomeno Meteorologico de lo clue se le Llama la Niebla de Primavera - Los Atascados
- Rhino Chaser - the 427's
- Memory Man - Custard
- Bad Cop - The Sub-Vectors
- Nitro Twist - The Apollo Four
- Charlie's Point - The Phantom operators
- Blood pressure - Mutemath
- Blue Hawaii - The 427's
Don't miss the next exciting episode of Surf Guitars from Mars, but in case you do - check the archive on this page -
Sunday evening at 1900 GMT+8, Tuesday morning 0800-0900 GMT+8, Wednesday evening 2000-2100 GMT +8. - Interact with us on and