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Band of the Week - The Burnin' Sands



  • Sandblaster - The Burnin’ Sands - Bandcamp

  • Shadow Moses - The Sub-Vectors - Deezer

  • Drunk Truck Run - Cowabunga Go Go - Bandcamp

  • Orbitron - The Orbitrons - Reverbnation

  • Aerial - Jimmy Strings - Bandcamp

  • Saldran Pulgas - Los Tsunamis - Reverbnation

  • Don’t Feed the Sharks - The Burnin’ Sands - Bandcamp

  • Above us Only Sky - Moonbase - iTunes

  • Whale Man - The Burnin’ Sands - Bandcamp

  • Psycho Loose - The Grande Bois - CD Baby

  • Surfin’ USA - The Slotcars - Bandcamp

  • Voodoo Mirror - Iguana Death Cult - Soundcloud

  • Kamikaze Shagger - 3Speed Dragster - Soundcloud

  • Ataque al Planeta Azul - DeSurfures -Spotify 

  • Mrs. Haggerty - Marshall and the Martins - Unreleased

  • Memory Man - Custard - iTunes
  • Surfin’ Bird - The Trashmen - iTunes
  • HiFi in LoFi - The JimmyC - Bandcamp
  • Octopus Boy - Plato Zorba - Bandcamp
  • Oda Al Consumo - Los Atascados - Bandcamp
  • Worse is Better - The Flying Faders - Reverbnation 

Don't miss the next exciting episode of Surf Guitars from Mars, but in case you do - check the archive on this page -

Sunday evening at 1900 GMT+8, Tuesday morning 0800-0900 GMT+8, Wednesday evening 2000-2100 GMT +8. - Interact with us on and