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officialsurfrockcharts SURF ROCK CHART: 9th April 2017 - SURFROCKRADIO.COM

The Official Surf Rock Charts for week ending 9th April 2017

The Official Top 10 Most Popular Surf Bands 

1. Beertubes

2. Marshall & The Martins

3. The Air Cats Band

4. Los Drigos

5. Dr Frankenstein

6. The Q-trons

7. The Apollo Four

8. Phantom Operators

9. The Original Onions

10. Retrofoguetes


The Official Top 10 Most Popular Surf Albums

1. Summer Session - Los Drigos

2. Studio Surf Styles Vol.1

3. ¡Queremos Surf! - Los Cowabungas

4. It Came From Lake Ontario - RoarShark

5. Zomboid Surf Attack - The Terrorsurfs

6. The Incredible Catheads - the Incredible Catheads

7. Surfing Contest - Dr Triton

8. The Crushing - The Tsunamibots

9. No Waves, Just Sharks - The Mad Doctors

10. Saddle Up - Horse Rock


The Official Top 10 Surf Rock Singles Chart

1. Skeleton - Los Drigos

2. La Virgen de Las Barricadas - The Chukukos

3. La vispera en la fiesta de Los Drigos - Los Drigos

4. Low Beach - Los Cowabungas

5. Ghouls On Film - Genki Genki Panic

6. Azteca Verano - Blackball Bandits

7. El Cíclope - Los Cowabungas

8. Cherry Blossom - MOONBASE

9. Detective de Bikinis - Dr Triton

10. Bikini Voyeur - Jimmy Strings



Be featured on Surf Rock Radio 

All bands are currently in rotation on, the world's number 1 surf music station.  

If you would like to have your band featured on the station, or if popular enough place on the charts send us your music in 128kbps mp3 format to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  We will then set up a band profile on the website which you can share links to in order to promote your music and increase your chart rankings. Every listen and request increases your chart ranking.